Modern Implant Dentistry (Original PDF from Publisher)

Modern Implant Dentistry (Original PDF from Publisher)



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Original price was: $224.99.Current price is: $35.00.


Modern Implant Dentistry (Original PDF from Publisher)


“Modern Implant Dentistry” offers an in-depth exploration of the current landscape of implant dentistry, catering to both beginners and experienced clinicians, to enhance their skills and ensure safe and predictable implant procedures.

Beginning with a focus on the biological aspects of dental implants and essential medical considerations, the book progresses to cover documentation, treatment planning, and the integration of digital workflows.

Surgical concepts, ranging from single-tooth extraction to guided All-on-X treatment, are detailed, followed by an extensive discussion of prosthetic options in implant dentistry.

Additional chapters delve into crucial topics such as soft tissue management, peri-implant disease treatment, the socket shield technique, and the marketing of dental implant therapy.

Authored by seasoned clinicians worldwide, the book is enriched with over 60 surgical and clinical videos, accessible through QR codes, providing real-life demonstrations of procedures and techniques.

This resource is indispensable for clinicians seeking to incorporate dental implants into their practice or stay updated on the latest advancements in the field.



Modern Implant Dentistry

Modern Implant Dentistry


1.2.Key Features

The key features of “Modern Implant Dentistry” include:


  1. Comprehensive Coverage: “Modern Implant Dentistry” provides a thorough examination of implant dentistry, addressing essential aspects from the biology of dental implants to advanced surgical and prosthetic concepts.


  1. Balanced Perspective: Suitable for both beginners and seasoned clinicians, the book caters to a wide audience, offering valuable insights for those looking to incorporate dental implants into their practice and experts seeking the latest advancements.


  1. Medical Considerations: “Modern Implant Dentistry” Emphasis on medical considerations before placing dental implants ensures a holistic approach to patient care, covering crucial aspects of treatment planning and digital workflows.


  1. Clinical Videos: With over 60 surgical and clinical videos linked via QR codes, the book offers dynamic, real-life demonstrations of procedures and techniques, enhancing understanding beyond static images.


  1. Global Expertise: Authored by experienced clinicians from around the world, the book brings together a diverse range of perspectives, enriching the content with a global understanding of implant dentistry.


  1. Relevant Topics: In addition to core implant procedures, the book addresses contemporary topics such as soft tissue management, peri-implant disease treatment, the socket shield technique, and marketing strategies for dental implant therapy.


Overall, “Modern Implant Dentistry” serves as a comprehensive guide and reference for practitioners seeking to improve their implant dentistry skills, providing practical insights and real-world demonstrations.



Modern Implant Dentistry

Modern Implant Dentistry


1.3. About Writer

Dr. Bart W. Silverman is a distinguished figure in the field of implant dentistry, renowned for his expertise and contributions to the advancement of dental implant procedures.

With a focus on comprehensive patient care, Dr. Silverman has dedicated his career to improving the skills and knowledge of dental practitioners globally.

He is recognized for his commitment to education, having served as a mentor and lecturer in various national and international forums.


Dr. Richard J. Miron is a prominent name in oral and maxillofacial surgery and regenerative dentistry. His notable research contributions have significantly influenced the understanding and application of regenerative techniques in implantology.

Dr. Miron’s work encompasses a wide range of topics, from tissue engineering to growth factors, and his numerous publications in reputable journals reflect his commitment to advancing the field.

As an educator, he shares his expertise through lectures and courses, contributing to the professional development of dental professionals worldwide.


Modern Implant Dentistry

Modern Implant Dentistry



“Modern Implant Dentistry”  offers a comprehensive exploration of contemporary implant dentistry practices, catering to both beginners and seasoned clinicians.

The book delves into the biological aspects of dental implants, covering medical considerations, documentation, treatment planning, and digital workflows.

It provides detailed insights into surgical concepts, ranging from single-tooth extraction to advanced guided All-on-X treatments.

The prosthetic options in implant dentistry are thoroughly discussed, addressing relevant topics such as soft tissue management, peri-implant disease treatment, the socket shield technique, and marketing strategies for dental implant therapy.

Authored by experienced clinicians worldwide, “Modern Implant Dentistry” features over 60 surgical and clinical videos accessible via QR codes, providing real-life demonstrations of procedures and techniques.

With a focus on practical application, this resource equips clinicians with the knowledge and skills needed to integrate dental implants successfully into their practice or stay abreast of the latest advancements in the field.







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