Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th (Original PDF from Publisher)

Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th (Original PDF from Publisher)







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978-0702034848, 9780702034848

Original price was: $76.39.Current price is: $24.10.


Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th (Original PDF from Publisher)

The latest edition of “Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th” maintains its role as an indispensable resource, providing a comprehensive foundation in microbiology tailored to contemporary dental practice.

Combining accessible text with an extensive array of illustrative artwork, the book continues to be the favored microbiology textbook for dental students globally.

Its comprehensive scope renders it suitable for all curriculum facets, while nearly 300 tables and illustrations systematically present clinical, diagnostic, and practical insights.

To enhance memory retention, ‘Key Facts’ boxes are thoughtfully incorporated, and each chapter culminates in self-assessment sections, enabling students to gauge their comprehension in crucial areas.

The book approaches microbiology from a focused perspective, emphasizing pertinent bacteria while succinctly portraying viruses and fungi.

Further enhancements encompass a broader glossary and abbreviations list, current organism nomenclature, and details about unculturable bacteria and novel molecular technology.

This edition boasts an expanded segment elucidating the significance of oral biofilms in systemic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and nosocomial pneumonia.

An entirely new section on oral immunology, authored by specialists, enriches the content’s relevance to dentistry.

Additionally, the book explores the microbiology of perimplantitis and extensively revises the infection control section to encompass both British and American guidelines.

Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th (Original PDF from Publisher)

Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th (Original PDF from Publisher)

1.2.Key Features

The most noteworthy features of “Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th” include:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: The book offers a comprehensive exploration of microbiology, catering to all aspects of the dental curriculum, making it an invaluable resource for dental students.
  2. Rich Illustrative Content: With nearly 300 tables and illustrations, the book presents clinical, diagnostic, and practical information in an accessible and visually engaging manner.
  3. ‘Key Facts’ Boxes: The inclusion of ‘Key Facts’ boxes acts as helpful memory aids, encapsulating essential information and facilitating efficient learning.
  4. Self-Assessment Sections: Each chapter concludes with self-assessment sections that enable students to assess their understanding in key areas, enhancing active learning and comprehension.
  5. Focused Approach: The book adopts a strictly ‘need-to-know for the dentist’ approach, prioritizing salient bacteria while succinctly addressing viruses and fungi.
  6. Updated Information: The book incorporates the latest organism nomenclature, details about unculturable bacteria, and insights into novel molecular technology, ensuring currency in the field.
  7. Oral Biofilms and Systemic Disease: A highly expanded section explores the role of oral biofilms in systemic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and adverse pregnancy outcomes, linking oral health to overall health.
  8. Oral Immunology: The addition of a new section authored by specialists delves into oral immunology, enhancing the book’s relevance to dental practice.
  9. Microbiology of Perimplantitis: A fresh section examines the microbiology of perimplantitis, catering to the growing importance of dental implants in modern practice.
  10. Infection Control: The extensively revised infection control section incorporates British and American guidelines, ensuring up-to-date and globally relevant information.
  11. Extensive Glossary: The book features a detailed and expanded glossary and abbreviations list, aiding in understanding complex microbiological terms.

In essence, “Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th” stands out as a comprehensive and well-structured resource that aligns perfectly with the needs of dental students.

Its rich visual content, self-assessment tools, focus on relevance to dental practice, and up-to-date information make it an indispensable guide for mastering microbiology in the context of modern dentistry.

1.3. About writer

Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th (Original PDF from Publisher)

Lakshman Samaranayake, DSc(h.c.) DDS BDS FRCPath FHKCPath FDSRCSE(Hon) FCDSHK FHKAM(Path) FHKAM(DSurg) MIBiol, stands as a distinguished author and eminent figure in the field of dentistry and oral microbiology.

With a remarkable career spanning decades, Dr. Samaranayake has made substantial contributions to both academic and clinical realms.

Holding prestigious titles and memberships, Dr. Samaranayake’s achievements include pioneering research, extensive publication, and global lecturing on oral microbiology, infection control, and oral medicine.

Serving in esteemed leadership roles and faculty positions, Dr. Samaranayake has greatly enriched dental education and practice.

The recipient of numerous accolades and honorary degrees, including the DSc(h.c.), Dr. Samaranayake’s work has been instrumental in advancing oral health knowledge.

With a steadfast commitment to teaching, research, and clinical excellence, Dr. Samaranayake has established a legacy marked by transformative contributions to dentistry and oral microbiology, further solidifying their reputation as a distinguished luminary in the field.

Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th (Original PDF from Publisher)

Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th (Original PDF from Publisher)


Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 4th,” authored by the accomplished Lakshman Samaranayake, DSc(h.c.) DDS BDS FRCPath FHKCPath FDSRCSE(Hon) FCDSHK FHKAM(Path) FHKAM(DSurg) MIBiol, remains an essential educational tool for dental students worldwide.

With a comprehensive approach, this edition seamlessly integrates microbiology with modern dental practice, aided by an array of illustrative artwork.

The book’s user-friendly format features ‘Key Facts’ boxes, facilitating retention of crucial information, while self-assessment sections allow students to gauge their understanding.

Noteworthy are the strictly ‘need-to-know for the dentist’ perspective, covering salient bacteria, and the expanded sections on oral biofilms’ systemic implications and oral immunology.

The addition of a new segment on perimplantitis and the revised infection control section further elevate the book’s relevance.

Dr. Samaranayake’s authoritative expertise ensures that this resource equips students with the knowledge and insights essential for a successful journey in dental microbiology and practice.

Make sure that you are buying e-books from trustworthy sources. With over a decade of experience in the e-book industry, the website is a reliable option for your purchase.




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