Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1st Edition (The Clinics Internal Medicine)

Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1st Edition (The Clinics Internal Medicine)







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978-0323188609, 9780323188609

Original price was: $89.46.Current price is: $24.90.


Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1e (The Clinics Internal Medicine)

The domain of Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1e (The Clinics Internal Medicine) is undergoing rapid and dynamic transformations, arguably more accelerated than any other facet within the realm of laboratory medicine.

This rapid evolution is primarily attributed to cutting-edge technologies, including high-throughput gene sequencing, multiplex molecular assays, the swift emergence of antimicrobial resistance, and the continual discovery of novel pathogens.

Furthermore, contemporary medical practices, such as solid organ and stem cell transplantation, have led to a surge in infections caused by agents traditionally regarded as having low virulence.

This particular edition of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine serves as a platform to accentuate notable progressions in diagnostic microbiology.

It prominently features the utilization of MALDI-TOF MS, pathogen identification breakthroughs, and personalized antimicrobial therapeutics.

Additionally, one of the articles herein delves into the effective implementation of these innovative technologies, elucidating strategies to optimize their impact on patient care and outcomes.

Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1e (The Clinics Internal Medicine)

Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1e (The Clinics Internal Medicine)

1.2.Key Features

The key features of the book “Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1e (The Clinics Internal Medicine)” include:

  1. Cutting-Edge Technology Coverage: The book extensively covers the latest advancements in clinical microbiology, with a focus on automation and emerging technologies. It provides readers with up-to-date information on the tools and methods revolutionizing the field.
  2. Rapid Evolution Discussion: It discusses the rapid evolution of clinical microbiology due to factors like high-throughput gene sequencing, multiplex molecular assays, antimicrobial resistance, and the discovery of new pathogens. Readers gain insights into how these factors are reshaping the practice of clinical microbiology.
  3. Pathogen Discovery: The book explores the ongoing discovery of new pathogens, shedding light on the changing landscape of infectious diseases. It keeps readers informed about emerging threats and challenges in microbiology.
  4. Personalized Antimicrobial Therapy: The book delves into the concept of personalized antimicrobial chemotherapy, a crucial aspect of modern infectious disease management. It discusses how tailored treatment approaches are improving patient outcomes.
  5. Implementation Strategies: One of the key features is its discussion of practical implementation strategies for new technologies. This guidance helps healthcare professionals maximize the impact of these innovations in clinical practice.
  6. Relevance to Laboratory Medicine: As part of “The Clinics: Internal Medicine” series, this book specifically addresses the needs and interests of professionals in laboratory medicine, making it a valuable resource for those working in this field.
  7. Authoritative Contributors: The book features contributions from experts and thought leaders in clinical microbiology, ensuring the content’s reliability and credibility.
Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1e (The Clinics Internal Medicine)

Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine

1.3. About Writer

Dr. Carey-Ann D. Burnham is a distinguished author and prominent figure in the field of clinical microbiology.

Holding a Ph.D. and dual board certification in Medical Microbiology (D(ABMM)) and Clinical Chemistry (F(CCM)), Dr. Burnham has made significant contributions to the advancement of diagnostic microbiology.

Her illustrious career spans extensive research, teaching, and clinical practice, with a particular focus on infectious diseases and the application of cutting-edge technologies in microbiology diagnostics.

Dr. Burnham’s work is highly regarded for its impact on patient care, as she has played a pivotal role in developing and implementing innovative diagnostic methodologies that enhance the accuracy and efficiency of microbial identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing.

Her dedication to improving clinical microbiology practices has earned her recognition and respect within the healthcare and scientific communities.

Dr. Carey-Ann D. Burnham’s contributions continue to shape the landscape of clinical microbiology, benefiting both healthcare professionals and patients worldwide.

Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1e (The Clinics Internal Medicine)

Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology An Issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1e (The Clinics Internal Medicine)


Automation and Emerging Technology in Clinical Microbiology” authored by Dr. Carey-Ann D. Burnham is an indispensable resource that explores the forefront of clinical microbiology’s technological advancements.

This book delves into the rapid evolution of the field, driven by high-throughput gene sequencing, multiplex molecular assays, and the discovery of novel pathogens.

It provides a comprehensive understanding of how these innovations are reshaping diagnostic microbiology, along with insights into personalized antimicrobial therapy.

Furthermore, it offers practical guidance on effectively implementing these emerging technologies in healthcare settings, making it an essential read for clinicians, laboratory professionals, researchers, and students seeking to stay at the cutting edge of clinical microbiology practice.


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Internal medicine 


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