Understanding Clinical Research An introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)

Understanding Clinical Research An introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)



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14.6 MB




Publisher PDF


9781914961267, 9781914961311




Scion Publishing

Original price was: $63.15.Current price is: $24.00.


Understanding Clinical Research An introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)



Healthcare professionals benefit greatly from grasping the fundamental aspects of clinical research. “Understanding Clinical Research: An Introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)”meticulously elucidates the core principles of clinical research, supported by an array of practical examples showcasing their real-world applications.

This comprehensive guide navigates readers through the entire research process, beginning with formulating research inquiries, progressing to crafting research study designs, and culminating in the dissemination of research outcomes.

The book comprehensively addresses ethical considerations, research integrity, patient engagement, and study funding, while also providing an introductory insight into essential statistical methodologies crucial for data analysis.

Tailored for healthcare professionals keen on delving deeper into evidence-based practice development, those contemplating embarking on research endeavors but seeking guidance, or individuals considering pursuing a Ph.D./MD or a PGCert in Research Studies, this resource serves as an invaluable reference for navigating the multifaceted realm of clinical research.


Understanding Clinical Research An introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)

Understanding Clinical Research An introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)


1.2.Key Features

Certainly! The key features of “Understanding Clinical Research: An Introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)” include:


  1. Thorough Explanation of Principles: Offers a detailed exploration of the fundamental principles of clinical research, providing a strong foundational understanding.


  1. Practical Worked Examples: “Understanding Clinical Research: An Introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)” Includes a wide range of practical examples illustrating how these principles are applied in real-world scenarios, aiding in practical application and comprehension.


  1. Comprehensive Research Process Coverage: Guides readers through the entire research process, from formulating research questions to designing studies and disseminating research findings, providing a holistic view of the research journey.


  1. Inclusion of Ethical Considerations: “Understanding Clinical Research: An Introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)” Addresses ethical considerations integral to clinical research, emphasizing research integrity and patient involvement, crucial aspects for ethical practice.


  1. Introduction to Statistical Methods: Introduces key statistical methods essential for data analysis in clinical research, ensuring readers have a foundational understanding of statistical analysis.


  1. Suitability for Healthcare Professionals: Ideal for healthcare professionals interested in evidence-based practice development, those seeking guidance for initiating research endeavors, and individuals considering advanced academic pursuits like a PhD/MD or a PGCert in Research Studies.


  1. Comprehensive Resource: “Understanding Clinical Research: An Introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)”Serves as an invaluable reference for navigating the complexities of clinical research, catering to a broad spectrum of readers interested in delving into the realm of research in healthcare.


Understanding Clinical Research An introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)

Understanding Clinical Research An introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)


1.3. About Writer

Kathryn Biddle, Anna Blundell, and Nidhi Sofat are esteemed figures in the realm of healthcare research and practice, collectively contributing to significant advancements in their respective fields. Kathryn Biddle has showcased expertise in health psychology, focusing on behavior change interventions for chronic conditions, and enhancing patient well-being.

Anna Blundell has made notable contributions to healthcare education, specializing in curriculum development and innovative teaching methodologies, enriching the learning experiences of aspiring healthcare professionals. Nidhi Sofat, with expertise in reproductive medicine, has been pivotal in research exploring novel therapies for infertility, contributing to advancements in fertility treatments and patient care.

Their collective achievements signify a commitment to enhancing healthcare practices, education, and patient outcomes, positioning them as influential figures in their specialized domains.


Understanding Clinical Research An introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)

Understanding Clinical Research An introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)


“Understanding Clinical Research: An Introduction (Original PDF from Publisher)”offers a comprehensive exploration of the foundational principles of clinical research. Authored by an expert in the field, this resource delves into the intricacies of developing research inquiries, designing effective research studies, and disseminating findings. It addresses critical aspects such as ethical considerations, patient involvement, research integrity, and essential statistical methods required for data analysis.

Ideal for healthcare professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of evidence-based practice development or contemplating research pursuits, this book serves as a valuable guide for those navigating the complexities of clinical research.


Make sure that you are buying e-books from trustworthy sources. With over a decade of experience in the e-book industry, the Medbook1.com website is a reliable option for your purchase.


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