Telomeres in Health and Disease (ORIGINAL PDF from Publisher)

Telomeres in Health and Disease (ORIGINAL PDF from Publisher)








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Telomeres in Health and Disease (ORIGINAL PDF from Publisher)

Telomeres in Health and Disease of Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science is dedicated to the comprehensive exploration of the role of telomeres in both health and disease.

Within this volume, experts in the field provide insightful reviews covering a wide range of topics related to telomeres.

The contributions from specialists in telomere diseases offer valuable insights into how dysfunction of telomeres can lead to various diseases in humans.

This collection of articles informs and updates readers on the critical role of telomeres in maintaining health and how their malfunction can contribute to the development of diseases.

1.2.Key Features


Telomeres in Health and Disease (ORIGINAL PDF from Publisher)

Telomeres in Health and Disease (ORIGINAL PDF from Publisher)


1.4. about Writer

Dr. Rodrigo Calado is a distinguished medical professional and researcher known for his significant contributions to the field of hematology, particularly in the area of telomere-related diseases.

He earned his medical degree and completed his residency in internal medicine at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.

Dr. Calado continued his academic journey by pursuing a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from the same institution, where he focused on the study of telomeres and their implications in human health.

Throughout his career, Dr. Calado has made substantial advancements in understanding telomere biology and its role in various medical conditions.

He has authored numerous research papers and co-edited books, including “Telomeres in Health and Disease.” His work has significantly contributed to the field’s knowledge of telomere-related diseases and potential therapeutic interventions.

Dr. Calado’s dedication to research and patient care has earned him recognition as a leading expert in the study of telomeres and their impact on human health.



Telomeres in Health and Disease (ORIGINAL PDF from Publisher)

Telomeres in Health and Disease



Telomeres in Health and Disease” is a comprehensive volume featured in Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, providing an in-depth exploration of telomeres’ role in human health and disease.

With contributions from leading specialists in telomere-related fields, this book offers a valuable resource for understanding telomere biology.

Telomeres in Health and Disease delves into the impact of telomere dysfunction on human health, particularly focusing on telomere diseases.

Readers will gain insights into the latest research findings, potential therapeutic interventions, and the broader implications of telomere biology in various medical conditions.

Telomeres in Health and Disease serves as an authoritative reference for researchers, clinicians, and scholars interested in the multifaceted aspects of telomeres and their significance in health and disease.


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