SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)

SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)



File Size

5.7 MB






9781913755058, 9781913755072




Tfm Publishing Ltd

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $23.00.


SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)


The book titled “SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)” serves as a comprehensive resource, offering a diverse array of questions catering to medical students preparing for their final exams and clinicians gearing up for postgraduate examinations. This compilation includes over 40 single best answer questions (SBAs), 140 extended matching questions (EMQs), and 25 short answer questions (SAQs), encompassing a broad spectrum of topics to assess exam knowledge and refine answering techniques.

Featuring various radiological images such as abdominal and chest X-rays, ABGs, and ECGs for interpretation, it proves invaluable for exam preparation. Compiled by a team of junior doctors with recent exam experience, and overseen by seasoned physicians to ensure accuracy, this resource covers the core medical subjects concisely, integrating pharmacology and pathology throughout. Clear and concise answers facilitate easy revision on the go, enabling readers to self-assess and pinpoint knowledge gaps for focused study. This book covers an extensive range of specialties, from cardiology and neurology to pediatrics and surgery, aiding comprehensive preparation for various medical disciplines.


SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)

SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)


1.2.Key Features

The key features of “SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)”  include:

  1. Diverse Question Formats: Encompassing over 40 SBAs, 140 EMQs, and 25 SAQs, providing a wide range of question styles.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: Addresses core medical subjects and various specialties, including cardiology, pediatrics, surgery, and more.
  3. Varied Imagery: Incorporates radiological images like abdominal and chest X-rays, ABGs, and ECGs to aid interpretation practice.
  4. Compiled by Experts: Created by a team of junior doctors with recent exam experiences, overseen by seasoned physicians for accuracy and relevance.
  5. Integrated Pharmacology and Pathology: “SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)” Presents these crucial subjects throughout the content to reinforce understanding.
  6. Clear Answers: Provides concise and precise answers, facilitating convenient revision and self-assessment.
  7. Exam Readiness: Aids in assessing knowledge and identifying areas for focused revision, essential for final and postgraduate exam preparation.


SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)

SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)



“SBAs EMQs and SAQs in Practice Papers (EPUB)”  authored by Matthew Hanks provides an in-depth exploration of contemporary medical practices and challenges. With a focus on merging theoretical knowledge with practical applications, this book offers a comprehensive view of cutting-edge medical advancements across various specialties.

Delving into core subjects and specialized fields such as cardiology, neurology, and oncology, Hanks dissects complex medical concepts in an accessible manner. By intertwining case studies and evidence-based approaches, this book equips both medical professionals and students with valuable insights and strategies, encouraging critical thinking and improved patient care within the evolving landscape of modern medicine.”








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