Principles of Respiratory Medicine, 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)

Principles of Respiratory Medicine, 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)



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978-9388958585, 9789354652097, 9789388958585





Original price was: $83.96.Current price is: $26.00.


Principles of Respiratory Medicine , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)


This book, titled “Principles of Respiratory Medicine , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher),” is dedicated to elucidating the fundamental principles governing respiratory medicine, with a specific focus on the distinctive landscape of respiratory diseases prevalent in India.

The rationale behind this comprehensive exploration is rooted in the conviction that a thorough understanding of pulmonary conditions in the regional context is imperative.

Comprising 22 sections and 74 chapters, the book covers various topics, ranging from imaging techniques and lung physiology to infectious diseases, airway disorders, and sleep-related breathing issues. Notably, the second edition significantly emphasizes the persistent challenges posed by pulmonary tuberculosis, addressing its epidemiology, clinical nuances, and natural progression.

Designed to cater to medical registrars, postgraduate students, practitioners, and pulmonologists, this edition proves invaluable not only in India and Southeast Asia but also extends its relevance to medical professionals in Africa and South America.


Principles of Respiratory Medicine, 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)

Principles of Respiratory Medicine, 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)


1.2.Key Features

The “Principles of Respiratory Medicine , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher),” exhibits several key features that make it a comprehensive and indispensable resource in the field of respiratory medicine:


  1. Focused Exploration: The book centers on elucidating the fundamental principles governing respiratory medicine, providing a focused and in-depth examination of the subject matter.


  1. Regional Emphasis: A distinctive feature lies in its focus on respiratory diseases occurring in India, acknowledging the region’s unique epidemiological and clinical aspects.


  1. Comprehensive Coverage: With 22 sections and 74 chapters, “Principles of Respiratory Medicine , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher),” offers a wide-ranging coverage of topics, encompassing imaging techniques, lung physiology, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, clinical approaches to respiratory diseases, infectious diseases, airway disorders, and more.


  1. Thorough Examination of Tuberculosis: A highlight of the book is its thorough discussion on the threat of pulmonary tuberculosis, addressing epidemiology, clinical variations, and the ongoing challenges associated with this prevalent respiratory condition.


  1. Clinical Emphasis: “Principles of Respiratory Medicine , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher),” places a strong emphasis on clinical aspects, including symptoms, signs, and diagnostic approaches, catering to the practical needs of medical practitioners, consultants, and pulmonologists.


  1. Global Relevance: While rooted in the regional context of India, the book recognizes its broader applicability, making it useful not only in India and Southeast Asia but also to a certain extent in Africa and South America.


  1. Updated Edition: As the second edition, the book incorporates the latest insights, research findings, and developments in the field of respiratory medicine, ensuring its relevance in the evolving landscape of medical knowledge.


  1. Diverse Authorship: Authored by experts in pulmonary medicine, the book benefits from a diverse range of perspectives and expertise, enhancing its credibility and utility for a broad audience.


  1. Inclusion of Imaging Techniques: “Principles of Respiratory Medicine , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher),” addresses imaging techniques and chest imaging, providing a comprehensive understanding of diagnostic modalities in respiratory medicine.


  1. Applicability to Medical Professionals: Tailored for medical registrars, postgraduate students, practitioners, consultants, and pulmonologists, the book caters to a diverse audience within the medical community.


In summary, the key features of “Principles of Respiratory Medicine , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher),” include its focused and regional exploration, comprehensive coverage, emphasis on tuberculosis, clinical relevance, global applicability, updated content, diverse authorship, inclusion of imaging techniques, and relevance to a broad spectrum of medical professionals.


Principles of Respiratory Medicine, 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)

Principles of Respiratory Medicine, 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)



“Principles of Respiratory Medicine , 2nd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher),”  is a definitive guide that meticulously explores the fundamental principles of respiratory medicine with a specific focus on the unique landscape of respiratory diseases in India. Comprising 22 sections and 74 chapters, the book covers a broad spectrum of topics, including imaging techniques, lung physiology, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, infectious diseases, and more.

Notably, the second edition underscores the persistent challenges posed by pulmonary tuberculosis, addressing its epidemiology, clinical nuances, and natural progression. Authored by clinical experts actively engaged in both practice and teaching, the book seamlessly integrates practical insights with pedagogical expertise.

Its comprehensive coverage, regional relevance, and updated insights make it an invaluable resource for medical registrars, postgraduate students, practitioners, and pulmonologists not only in India and Southeast Asia but also in Africa and South America.





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