Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing (Transforming Public Health Practice Series) (Original PDF From Publisher)

Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing (Transforming Public Health Practice Series) (Original PDF From Publisher)



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9780857250087, 0857250078, 0857252887, 9780857250070, 9780857252883

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $23.00.


Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing (Transforming Public Health Practice Series) (Original PDF From Publisher)


“As the influence of national health policies on local health services continues to grow, a profound understanding of policy development and implementation becomes crucial for public health students.

This book, “Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing” is structured into two sections. The first section provides a strategic overview of national policies, while the second section offers concrete examples of local policy implementation to support the overarching framework.

Through insightful case studies and practical examples, readers gain a comprehensive understanding of policy and strategy dynamics, empowering them to apply this knowledge effectively within their local contexts.”


Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing

Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing


1.2.Key Features

The key features of the book “Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing” include:


  1. Strategic Overview: “Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing” offers a strategic overview of national health policies, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the broader policy landscape.


  1. Local Implementation Examples: In addition to the strategic overview, the book includes specific examples of local policy implementation. This helps bridge the gap between national policies and their practical application at the local level.


  1. Case Studies: The inclusion of case studies enriches the learning experience by offering real-world examples and illustrating the impact of policies on health services.


  1. Application Focus: Readers are encouraged to apply their understanding of policy and strategy to their local settings, promoting practical application of the knowledge gained.


  1. Transforming Public Health Practice Series: The book is part of the “Transforming Public Health Practice” series, indicating its focus on providing practical insights and guidance for public health professionals.


Overall, “Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing” aims to equip public health students and professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex interplay between national policies and local health services, fostering improvements in health and wellbeing.


Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing

Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing


1.3. About Writer

Lesley Coles and Elizabeth Porter are accomplished academics and authors in the field of public health.

Lesley Coles holds expertise in health policy and management, with a focus on the strategic aspects of national health policies. Her contributions to the field have been significant, particularly in providing insights into the development and implementation of health strategies.

Elizabeth Porter, on the other hand, is recognized for her work in public health research and practice.

Her expertise extends to the local implementation of health policies, emphasizing the practical application of strategic frameworks to improve health and wellbeing.

Together, they have collaborated to share their knowledge and experiences in the book “Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing” contributing to the “Transforming Public Health Practice” series.

Their collective achievements reflect a commitment to advancing public health initiatives and enhancing the understanding of health policies at both national and local levels.


Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing

Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing



“As health policy at a national level increasingly shapes local health services, “Policy And Strategy For Improving Health And Wellbeing” becomes a crucial resource for public health students seeking a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between policy development and healthcare delivery.

The book is structured into two sections, with the first providing a strategic overview of national policies, and the second offering specific examples of local policy implementation.

Authored by Lesley Coles and Elizabeth Porter, the book employs case studies and examples to elucidate the complexities of policy and strategy, fostering a practical application of these principles in a local context.

By delving into the strategic landscape of national policies and showcasing their implementation at the grassroots level, the book equips readers with valuable insights and tools to navigate the intricate relationship between policy formulation and effective health and wellbeing improvements.”





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