Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics Surgery)

Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics Surgery)



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978-1455776061, 9781455776061, 9781455776078

Original price was: $142.55.Current price is: $26.70.


Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics Surgery)


With an impressive tally of approximately 13.8 million minimally-invasive cosmetic surgeries conducted in the United States, alongside around 12.2 million minimally-invasive cosmetic treatments in 2011, the majority of these procedures transpire within surgeons’ group practices or specialized surgery center locations.

This publication, titled Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics: Surgery) delves into the landscape of outpatient plastic surgery, addressing prevalent and dreaded complications.

The comprehensive content encompasses crucial aspects such as Anesthesia, Infection control, Complication avoidance, and management, coupled with instructional technique videos.

Pertinent topics featured include Patient Selection in Outpatient Surgery, Airway Management in the Outpatient Setting, Deep Venous Thrombosis – Prevention and Management, Intravenous Sedation from the Surgeon’s Perspective, and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting.

Notably, the guest editors, Geoffrey Keyes and Robert Singer, affiliated with the Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery, advocate for certified surgeons overseeing ambulatory facilities to ensure optimal outcomes and mitigate mortalities and severe morbidities.


Outpatient Plastic Surgery

Outpatient Plastic Surgery


1.2.Key Features

The key features of Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics: Surgery) include:


  1. Scope of Minimally-Invasive Cosmetic Procedures: The book provides a comprehensive overview of the landscape of outpatient plastic surgery, focusing on the substantial number of approximately 13.8 million minimally-invasive cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States.


  1. Setting Emphasis: Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics: Surgery) highlights the prevalence of these procedures within surgeons’ group practices and specialized surgery center locations, offering insights into the preferred settings for such interventions.


  1. Complications Addressed: The publication delves into both common and feared complications associated with outpatient plastic surgery, providing valuable information for surgeons and practitioners.


  1. Multifaceted Topics: Each topic within Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics: Surgery) covers critical aspects such as Anesthesia, Infection control, Complication avoidance and management, and includes instructional technique videos to enhance understanding.


  1. Relevant Issues: The content addresses a range of pertinent issues to the surgeon, including Patient Selection in Outpatient Surgery, Airway Management in the Outpatient Setting, Deep Venous Thrombosis – Prevention and Management, Intravenous Sedation from the Surgeon’s Perspective, and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting.


  1. Expert Guest Editors: The guest editors, Geoffrey Keyes and Robert Singer, associated with the Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery, bring their expertise to the forefront. They advocate for certified surgeons overseeing ambulatory facilities, emphasizing optimal outcomes and the prevention of mortalities and severe morbidities.


  1. Practical Guidance: Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics: Surgery) offers practical guidance by presenting “best practice” recommendations for cosmetic surgery centers, ensuring a focus on excellence in surgical practice.


  1. Certification Emphasis: The guest editors’ fervent stance on certified surgeons running ambulatory facilities underscores the book’s emphasis on the importance of certification for improved outcomes and safety.


In summary, Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics: Surgery) stands out for its in-depth coverage of outpatient plastic surgery, addressing complications, providing practical guidance, and promoting certification for enhanced patient safety and positive outcomes.


Outpatient Plastic Surgery

Outpatient Plastic Surgery


1.3. About Writer

Dr. Geoffrey R. Keyes, MD, is a distinguished figure in the field of plastic surgery, recognized for his significant contributions to outpatient plastic surgery practices.

As an accomplished author, he co-edited the book Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics: Surgery) showcasing his expertise in the subject.

Dr. Keyes is affiliated with the Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Centers, emphasizing the importance of certified surgeons overseeing ambulatory facilities to ensure optimal outcomes and safety.

His dedication to advancing the field is evident in his commitment to best practices and the prevention of complications in outpatient plastic surgery.


Dr. Robert Singer, MD, is a renowned plastic surgeon and co-editor of the aforementioned book. With a distinguished career, Dr. Singer has contributed significantly to the field of plastic surgery.

He shares Dr. Keyes’ affiliation with the Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Centers, reflecting a shared commitment to promoting high standards in ambulatory surgical practices.

Dr. Singer’s achievements include a focus on outpatient plastic surgery and a dedication to advancing the field through education and best practice guidelines.


Together, Dr. Keyes and Dr. Singer bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the field, contributing valuable insights to the landscape of outpatient plastic surgery.


Outpatient Plastic Surgery

Outpatient Plastic Surgery



Outpatient Plastic Surgery, An Issue Of Clinics In Plastic Surgery, 1e (The Clinics: Surgery) co-edited by Dr. Geoffrey R. Keyes and Dr. Robert Singer is a comprehensive exploration of the landscape of outpatient plastic surgery.

With a focus on the approximately 13.8 million minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States, the book delves into common and dreaded complications associated with these procedures.

It provides in-depth coverage of crucial aspects including Anesthesia, Infection control, Complication avoidance and management, and features instructional technique videos for enhanced understanding.

Noteworthy topics such as Patient Selection in Outpatient Surgery, Airway Management, and Deep Venous Thrombosis are addressed, offering practical guidance for surgeons and practitioners.

The guest editors’ affiliation with the Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Centers underscores the emphasis on certified surgeons overseeing ambulatory facilities, highlighting the book’s commitment to optimal outcomes and safety in outpatient plastic surgery.






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