Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)

Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)

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9781337514538, 133767690X, 9781337676908, 035763649X, 9780357636497

Original price was: $74.84.Current price is: $35.00.


Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition (Original PDF from Publisher)



“Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” Designed for prospective Health Information Management (HIM) and Health Information Technology (HIT) professionals, the 3rd Edition of “Case Studies in Health Information Management” serves as a comprehensive tool to bridge the divide between theoretical classroom learning and practical application in the field.

More than just a compilation of intriguing cases, this versatile worktext presents challenges that require the application of classroom lessons while working through coordinated spreadsheets and forms.

Each case study aligns with the latest AHIMA domains and competencies, explicitly connecting the content within the readings to the prerequisites for RHIA and RHIT certification exams through a convenient correlation grid.

Notably, the third edition introduces online learning resources, providing readers with additional web content and reference materials, as well as simulated professional forms and spreadsheets for exercises related to the cases.

This edition is an ideal complement to any HIM or HIT course, suitable for laboratory or practicum work, individual or group assignments, and self-study purposes, and serves as an essential professional desk reference.


The “Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” facilitates the practical understanding of HIM and HIT principles, aligning the provided cases with the educational content outlined in the publication.

Moreover, the correlation grid within the book maps the case content to the prerequisites of RHIA and RHIT certification exams, serving as a valuable resource for exam preparation.

The inclusion of online learning resources in this edition further enriches the reader’s experience, providing access to supplementary web content, reference materials, and practical spreadsheets and forms for case-related exercises.

The versatile nature of this edition renders it an invaluable asset in various learning settings, whether for lab work, individual or group assignments, self-study endeavors, or as a reliable professional reference in the field of health information management.


Within the framework of “Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” readers encounter a diverse range of cases meticulously designed to facilitate the application of theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios.

The seamless integration of AHIMA domains and competencies ensures alignment with the educational objectives essential for RHIA and RHIT certification exams, offering a comprehensive resource for aspiring professionals in these fields.

Additionally, the newly introduced online learning resources supplement the text, providing readers with expanded web content, reference materials, and hands-on spreadsheets and forms for case-related exercises.

As a result, this edition stands as an indispensable companion for HIM or HIT courses, adaptable for various learning approaches such as laboratory work, individual or group assignments, self-study modules, and a reliable sourcebook for professionals navigating the complexities of health information management.


Case Studies in Health Information Management

Case Studies in Health Information Management


1.2.Key Features

Certainly! The key features of “Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” include:


  1. Practical Application Focus: The book emphasizes bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application in Health Information Management (HIM) and Health Information Technology (HIT).


  1. Diverse Case Studies: “Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” offers a collection of diverse and engaging case studies that challenge readers to apply classroom lessons to practical scenarios, enhancing their problem-solving skills.


  1. Alignment with AHIMA Domains: The content is aligned with the latest AHIMA domains and competencies, ensuring relevance to the requirements for RHIA and RHIT certification exams.


  1. Correlation Grid: A handy correlation grid maps the content in the readings to the prerequisites of RHIA and RHIT certification exams, facilitating targeted exam preparation.


  1. Online Learning Resources: The third edition provides supplementary online resources, including extra web content, reference materials, and simulated professional forms and spreadsheets for case-related exercises.


  1. Versatility: “Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” Suitable for various learning contexts such as laboratory or practicum work, individual or group assignments, self-study, and as a professional desk reference, making it adaptable to different learning styles and settings.


  1. Comprehensive Resource: “Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” Serves as a comprehensive tool for aspiring professionals in HIM and HIT, offering practical insights and guidance while preparing for certification exams and navigating the complexities of health information management.


Case Studies in Health Information Management

Case Studies in Health Information Management


1.3. About Writer

Patricia Schnering is a respected figure in Health Information Management (HIM) education, renowned for her contributions as an author and educator.

Her expertise spans the development of educational materials, including study guides and textbooks that aid students in preparing for HIM certification exams.

Patricia has authored several acclaimed works, notably co-authoring “The Complete ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Coding Manual” and “ICD-10-PCS: An Applied Approach.

” Her dedication to advancing HIM education has had a profound impact on students and professionals in the field.


Nanette B. Sayles is a distinguished expert in Health Information Management (HIM), celebrated for her significant contributions to HIM education.

She has authored and co-authored various textbooks and study guides essential for HIM students preparing for certification exams.

Nanette’s work includes co-authoring “Case Studies in Health Information Management” and other pivotal resources that have become foundational in HIM education.

Her commitment to enhancing HIM knowledge and fostering learning excellence has established her as a prominent figure in the field.


Charlotte McCuen is a revered name in Health Information Management (HIM), recognized for her extensive contributions as an educator and author.

Her notable work includes co-authoring “Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” a widely used resource in HIM education.

Charlotte’s expertise in developing educational materials and textbooks has significantly influenced the learning experience of HIM students, providing invaluable insights and guidance for their career paths.

Her dedication to advancing HIM education has solidified her reputation as a key figure in the field.


Case Studies in Health Information Management

Case Studies in Health Information Management



“Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” is a comprehensive work text designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in Health Information Management (HIM) and Health Information Technology (HIT).

Through a collection of diverse and engaging case studies, this edition challenges readers to apply classroom lessons to real-world scenarios, enhancing problem-solving skills.

Aligned with the latest AHIMA domains and competencies, it aids in RHIA and RHIT certification exam preparation by mapping content to exam requirements.

Additionally, the book offers online resources such as supplementary web content, reference materials, and simulated professional forms and spreadsheets, making “Case Studies in Health Information Management, 3rd Edition” a versatile resource for various learning contexts including laboratory work, individual or group assignments, self-study, and professional reference in the field of health information management.







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