Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)

Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)


Lippincott Williams & Wilkins






Publisher PDF

File Size

11 MB




978-0781774857, 9780781774857

Original price was: $40.51.Current price is: $20.40.


Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)

Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)” is a comprehensive resource that addresses the fundamental aspects of cardiovascular physiology, designed to cater to medical students, residents, nurses, and allied health professionals.

This book constitutes the second installment in The Integrated Physiology Series, a collection of monographs dedicated to providing a clinically relevant perspective on physiology.

Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology) offers an approachable and conversational tone, easing the comprehension of a subject often considered challenging and daunting.

To enhance understanding, the text includes detailed illustrations and is complemented by animated figures accessible online.

It incorporates various teaching elements, such as learning objectives, thought-provoking questions, clinical cases, and USMLE-style review questions, to engage and challenge learners in mastering the material.

Additionally, the companion website offers a fully searchable text and access to 40 animated figures for a comprehensive learning experience.

Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)

Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)

1.2.Key Features

The key features of “Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)” are as follows:

  1. Clinical Relevance: Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology) emphasizes the clinical relevance of cardiovascular physiology, making it particularly valuable for medical students, residents, nurses, and allied health professionals seeking practical insights into patient care.
  2. Integrated Physiology Series: It is part of The Integrated Physiology Series, which reviews physiology in a clinically meaningful manner, ensuring that readers can connect physiological concepts to real-world healthcare scenarios.
  3. Accessible Language: The text adopts an approachable and conversational tone, making the often complex subject of cardiovascular physiology more understandable and less intimidating.
  4. Visual Learning: Detailed illustrations and accompanying online animated figures enhance comprehension and help students visualize key cardiovascular concepts.
  5. Interactive Learning: The book includes various interactive elements, including learning objectives, thought-provoking questions, clinical cases, and USMLE-style review questions, challenging learners and facilitating mastery of the material.
  6. Companion Website: A companion website provides a fully searchable text and access to 40 animated figures, enriching the learning experience and promoting self-assessment.
Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)

Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach

1.3. About Writer

Drs. Carol-Ann Courneya, Michael J. Parker, and Richard M. Schwartzstein are esteemed authors and accomplished figures in the field of medical education and physiology.

Dr. Courneya holds a PhD, while Drs. Parker and Schwartzstein hold MD degrees, reflecting their combined expertise in both academia and clinical practice.

Their collaborative work has resulted in the creation of educational resources that bridge the gap between basic physiology and clinical applications, benefiting medical students and healthcare professionals.

Their commitment to enhancing medical education is reflected in their co-authorship of textbooks that provide students with a clinically relevant perspective on physiology.

Their achievements extend beyond the realm of writing, as they have collectively contributed to the advancement of medical education, particularly in the integration of physiological principles into clinical practice.

Their dedication to fostering a deeper understanding of physiology in medical learners has earned them recognition and respect in the medical community.

Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)

Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)


Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology)” authored by Drs. Carol-Ann Courneya, Michael J. Parker, and Richard M. Schwartzstein is a comprehensive resource designed to aid medical students and healthcare professionals in mastering the intricacies of physiology.

This fourteenth edition retains its time-tested approach of offering a vast array of multiple-choice questions, presented in a pretest and posttest format, enabling learners to assess their knowledge and comprehension of physiological concepts.

The book covers fundamental physiological topics, providing concise explanations and references to facilitate further learning.

With its clinical focus, Cardiovascular Physiology A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology) equips readers with the skills necessary to apply physiological principles to real-world patient care scenarios, making it an invaluable tool for exam preparation and enhancing proficiency in clinical physiology.



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